Reason for thanks – Thanksgiving 2013

As we are now in 2021, I couldn’t help but reflect on a Thanksgiving from years past that was extra special to me. Thanksgiving 2013 was not only a time for good food and company; it marked a turning point in my life as I reached new heights of gratitude and appreciation for the blessings given to me. It’s fascinating to take a trip down memory lane and remember what made that day so unique. In this blog post, I will be sharing my reflections on Thanksgiving 2013 and recounting the reasons for thanks during that particular celebration – some of which still hold true today.

1. Family Connections

Thanksgiving 2013 marked a special year for our family as we were celebrating the birth of my niece, bringing new joy to our lives. This first-time addition to our Thanksgiving table reminded me of the importance of family and rekindled connections that sometimes take a back seat in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. To this day, I remain ever so grateful for my family and cherish each moment spent with them.

2. Good Health

A close friend of mine underwent surgery just weeks before Thanksgiving 2013, making her recovery one of the many things we were thankful for that year. Her successful recuperation reinforced the significance of good health, and I continue to appreciate being healthy and having access to medical care.

3. The Gift of Education

In 2013, my younger brother graduated from college, providing us with another reason to celebrate during our Thanksgiving gathering. As our family toasted his achievements, gratitude filled my heart for having had the opportunity to pursue education, and it served as a reminder that education should never be taken for granted.

4. Job Opportunities

During Thanksgiving in 2013, I felt grateful for having landed a new job that offered stability and better perks than the previous one. It was comforting knowing that I could provide for myself and make contributions towards my family’s overall well-being. Today, reflecting upon how my career has progressed since then makes me incredibly thankful for that opportunity.

5. Love and Support

One of the standout memories from Thanksgiving 2013 was witnessing how love and support surrounded us during tough times. Earlier that year, we dealt with the loss of a loved one, but gathering around a table filled with relatives provided solace and strength as we leaned on one another in our grief.

As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving this year amidst pandemic-related changes, let’s not forget that there are countless reasons to give thanks in our lives – both big and small instances of love, growth, health, or even joyous events dating back years ago like Thanksgiving 2013.

Take a moment this season not only to enjoy your favorite turkey recipes or share moments with loved ones virtually but also to reflect on your own reasons for thanks during holidays past (and present!). You may find your heart brimming with gratitude you didn’t even realize was there.